
History of Tamalameque

this issue Chimilas decimated by Indians, aborigines.

Also note that Ambrosio Alfinger year 1,531 out of Maracaibo and determined to get to the valley that is close to the Sierra Nevada, after subjugating how many indigenous people was his came to the region Tamalameque step, putting into practice his bloodthirsty methods of looting, destruction and extermination of indigenous culture.

The Bachelor Don Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada authorized by the Governor of Santa Marta Fernández de Lugo, some 1,536 in the year to discover the headwaters of the Rio Grande de la Magdalena, reaching Tamalameque hundred and fifty men after being shipwrecked.

Anyway, to illustrate some of the confusion regarding the foundation of the town transcribed.

To definitely be on the site where now stands, in the collection of Indian Laws states that Jimenez de Quesada as transfer to a site called Bearded (...). In 1544 Captain Manjares establish it again against Mompox in a place called San Judas Tadeo of the Palomar Portaca-today-and in 1680 the father came Céspedes Barthelemy Balsera or move him forward to the beautiful savannas Chingalé (... ) with the name of Nuestra Señora del Rosario and San Miguel de Las Palmas de Tamalameque