
History of Sutatenza

battles against a superior and unknown race, who later beat him, thus being buried forever the Muisca Empire.

In the colonial era, the New Kingdom of Granada was run by the Catholic Church, being the first missionaries in the Valley in 1556 Sutatenza Dominican Fathers. This region belonged to the Convent of Santo Domingo de Tunja in 1738.

Sutatenza Francisco Antonio Franco sent as representative to the constitution of the Province of Tunja on December 9, 1811.

In 1814 the province was divided into 5 apartments, being located in the department Sutanteza South.

Par for the freedom of the New Granada, which at that time began to flourish, Sutatenza not hesitate to prepare for the brave men fight like Isidro Chicacausa, Lieutenant Matthew Patarroyo, Cabo Salvador Pira and Sergeant Antonio Quinche, who died on the scaffold .

On February 6, 1821 the Liberator Simón José Antonio la Santisima Trinidad Bolivar Palacios, known in history as General Simon Bolivar, passed Sutatenza this being of great importance and value.

In 1843 the territory of New Granada was divided into provinces, counties and those in parochial districts.

The Canton Tenza was composed of: Guateque, La Capilla, Guayatá, Pachavita, Somondoco, Sutatenza and Tenza.

The people who populated the town at this time was the result of the mixture of white and Indian. In the fields truly chibchas types still found