
History of Planadas



In 1932 the Spanish Jesuit missionary, Fermín Larrazabal, advised a group of explorers set his village on the banks of river Ata just a plain where the municipal seat today Planadas is located. Interestingly Planadas founders were a mixture of Antioquia and Huila hence there today and opitas paisas customs and idioms.

By decree 719 of 1935 to Planadas noted as head of the police department inspection Southern Ata; in 1961, through an ordinance 66 is given in the senior administrative naming as Planadas special inspection, and in 1966 through an ordinance 36 is elevated to a municipality, dismembering its territory I attack. But later repealed in 1971, for procedural errors, replacing the Ordinance 52, which Planadas is created, with head in the town of the same name.

It should be a brief retrospective, to say that the territory that makes up Planadas was discovered in October 1538 by the soldiers of the advanced Don Sebastian de Bel quarterdeck; its primitive settlers were Atães, Cuiras, Guagua and Patae Indians, of the tribe of the Paez; and further that the lands were Cacique Yucairo.