
History of La Mesa

water and too much mud, it was moved in 1777 by order of Pedro Messia de la Zerda, Manuel Guirior and Manuel Antonio Flórez, Spanish Viceroys. The town centre was located the Main Plaza (Downtown), next to the Carbonera river, today an underground river The original location had 98 houses and nowadays is now known by the name of Dos Caminos, (Two Roads in Spanish), .

The population of La Mesa was part of the Independence from Spain movement. From there started the first military campaign of July 20 of 1810 independence revolution. Approximately, 50 men and later 300 more, went to Bogotá on the day after the declaration of independence to be part of the disposition of the Supreme Board of the independence. La Mesa became a training centre for army soldiers who fought for the independence cause. At La Mesa many heroes were trained, who later were killed defending their ideals by the Spanish troops, some were killed in the middle of the Main Plaza.

Four times, the liberator Simón Bolivar passed by, in the years of 1821, 1826, 1828 and 1830. Antonio Nariño transitted in September 1813 commanding the Cundinamarca army of the South campaign of the Independence cause
