
History of Cicuco

class="MsoNormal">History and growth

The origin of the founding of El Limon and Punta de Cartagena dates back to early last century, and as I set this historical fact that the growth process of the passage of livestock and population to the Department of Magdalena and the municipality of Mompox, crossing the The Rape pipe at the height of the now called Ceiba. To have a methodology in the management and organization of historical information collected for the construction of the History of Population Growth and edificatorio in Cicuco first Historical Framework Lemon described and then followed up with the Punta de Cartagena.

Growth and consolidation of El Limón

All indications are that the first settlers were people who looking uplands were located in the transit area of ​​livestock and population to the town of Mompox and the Department of Magdalena, there came the construction of the first houses in the street called later "Calle 20 de Enero". As reported by Bastidas Candido and social planes built in participatory mapping workshops, the first street might have been built in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, and south of First Street and is composed of Guaimarales sown area that today is the area of ​​the church and the town hall. By the year 1916, the laying of the Ceiba, which is said, was planted by a Mr. Urbina and the Catholic Church and the residential development of the area dates back to around the year 1930 dates.

The area enclosed from the plaza of the Church until today, via Mompox, belonged to a family of Italian origin who settled in El Limón, of Copulilo surname, also, the area south from the track to the land of Mompox to Ecopetrol, belonged to the paddocks
