
Economy of Cerinza

participated with 870 distributed as follows: males 0 to 6 months 210 heads, 310 heads 7 months, females of 0 to 6 months 190 heads, 7 months 160 heads. The breeding population of tech for the second half of 1998 is 10 heads in Landrace, and tech primes was 20 Landrace heads.


The economic situation in the town is dedicated to primary sector activities intended to fill labor and land use in agricultural practice, which allows homogeneous growth as the main source for income. The land is suitable for agricultural use, transient and permanent crops. focuses on the production of agricultural products com potatoes, corn, peas, and beans hostalizas.

The potato, staple food product in the region prominently in agricultural production in the municipality, with a planted area of ​​35 hectares place.

Traditional subsistence agriculture is performed over the market in the town or out of town.