
Travel to Valparaiso

etropolitan rail and out of town, crossing much of the Greater Valpara�so or Gran Valpara�so , which also contains the port promenade of the same name, part of the Valparaiso port runner- San Antonio . This means of transport connecting thecommunes of Valpara�so, Vi�a del Mar , Quilpu� , Villa Alemana and Limache latter outside the urban area of the conurbation . It is administered by Metro SA Regional Valpara�so , a subsidiary of the Company of the State Railways (EFE). The new service also benefits, functional and strategically, to the inhabitants of the communes residential Quilpu� and Villa Alemana , as well as the satellite city of Gran Valpara�so , Limache , three of the places where most of the passengers who habitually used the old system, MERVAL