
Climate in Cobija

The city of Cobija sits on a sharp curve of the Acre river. Located at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level and in the northwestern jungle region � in Brazilian border � Cobija is considered the rainiest region in Bolivia. It is also a warm spot (exception made for a couple of weeks a year, when a fresh wind from the south blows), with day temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius (80 Fahrenheit) most of the time. Cobija has two seasons: The rain season (when is possible to enjoy powerful rainfalls and the vegetation is at its best) and the dry season (when roads are good and excursions deep into the Jungle are made possible, to "lago Bay" for instance, or to "Macchu Pichu, Peru)). Usually locals use the hottest hours of the day to stay at home, have lunch and a good siesta. But the most active ones enjoy also outdoor activities